Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Are you currently accepting applications?
Yes, contact us or directly enroll online.
What are your hours of operation?
7:45 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday - Friday
Do you accept part-time students?
No, we currently are not accepting part-time students.
How are your classes structured?
LSCC provides separate rooms for infants, toddlers and preschoolers up to the age of four. Each group has one lead teacher and one teacher assistant. The teacher to student ratio is 4:1.
Which curriculum do you use?
We use a combination of several curricular programs to foster children’s desire to explore and learn through a hybrid of self-selected and staff-directed, age appropriate learning opportunities. Two of the main curriculum we use are Creative Curriculum and Mother Goose Time Curriculum.
Will your center provide food during your care?
Food is included in tuition. Once a child is ready for table food, we provide breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack. Parents will receive a monthly menu.
How do you communicate with parents through out the day?
Parents will receive pictures via email and mobile app through out the day, as well as a daily report with pictures/videos and daily activities at the end of each day. In addition, parents can drop in, call and text anytime.
What are your rates?
Our tuition is a monthly rate. Please contact us for details.
Does your tuition include extracurricular activities?
No. We make it easy for parents to involve their children in extracurricular activities by hosting activities at our center. Fees are separate from tuition and depend on the contract we have in place with each vendor.
Do you participate in the D.C. Child Care Subsidy Program?
We currently do not participate in this program.
When can we visit the center?
Please contact us to schedule a tour and we will arrange a visit for you.