Our learning model focuses on the whole child, giving each child the opportunity to develop at his or her own pace in a setting that is enjoyable and instills a lifelong love of learning.
We use a combination of several curricular programs to foster children’s desire to explore and learn through a hybrid of self-selected and staff-directed, age appropriate learning opportunities. In addition to classroom learning, we utilizing the opportunities and amenities in the community as part of our teaching tools and real time learning experiences.
12 weeks – 12 months
12 weeks – 12 months
Infants are a bundle of joy! Our infant care program is designed to meet the needs of every baby based on his/her own schedule. Our infants nap, feed and play on demand. Our teachers create a loving and nurturing bond filled with lots of hugs, singing and reading. Our infants learn through music, singing, reading, tummy time and exploration activities such as finger painting and outdoor time. Our goal is to provide an environment where children are safe, happy and actively engaged with learning. Infants are encouraged to learn about themselves, their feelings, and communication.

12 months – 24 months
12 months – 24 months
Toddlers are discovering new things and are very curious. They learn best when they are in an environment where they are encouraged to explore and make sense of their surroundings. The physical environment we provide, along with the group size, daily schedule and routine will help to foster our toddler’s learning experience while providing a safe environment to explore. Through different experiences, children will be encouraged to explore their environment around them using their senses. Our goal is to provide an environment where children are safe, happy and actively engaged with learning.
Twos & Threes
Two years – Three years
Twos & Threes
Two years – Three years
Children in this group learn best by doing and enjoying their new found independence. Our teachers focus on social and emotional development by providing routines, and helping the children understand the importance of being kind to each other, sharing and taking turns. A variety of age-appropriate toys are available to the children to help build a positive and safe learning environment. Through out the day children will participate in circle time, outdoor play and free play along with teacher directed activities. LSCC’s goal is to provide a program where children are safe, happy and actively engaged with learning.

Three years – Four years
Three years – Four years
Our preschool program will inspire your child’s love for learning and creativity. Activities are designed around STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics), healthy living, safety measures, instilling socially conscious values, and reinforcing positive skills. Daily activities are more structured for this age group, and constant communication between school and home is encouraged to ensure the transition to kindergarten is as seamless as possible. LSCC’s goal is to provide a program where children are safe, happy and actively engaged with learning.

Learn More About Our Program
Learn More About Our Program
Our program includes an activity-based learning environment through arts, language, music, science, technology, math and most importantly, through play. One of our goals is for our children to become “divergent thinkers” through play. Although we will work towards reaching milestones, our ultimate goal is for our students to become both creative and critical thinkers in relation to themselves, their environment, and society. To give balance to the traditional classroom learning with real time learning experiences, LSCC will create a culture where we are a part of the community, utilizing the opportunities and amenities in the community as part of our teaching tools. In addition, LSCC will focus on cultivating self-esteem, teaching self-discipline, good habits, social interactions and fostering physical and mental growth. Our program will emphasize the development of positive self-image and the fulfillment of each child’s potential.
Our program includes an activity-based learning environment through arts, language, music, science, technology, math and most importantly, through play. One of our goals is for our children to become “divergent thinkers” through play. Although we will work towards reaching milestones, our ultimate goal is for our students to become both creative and critical thinkers in relation to themselves, their environment, and society. To give balance to the traditional classroom learning with real time learning experiences, LSCC will create a culture where we are a part of the community, utilizing the opportunities and amenities in the community as part of our teaching tools. In addition, LSCC will focus on cultivating self-esteem, teaching self-discipline, good habits, social interactions and fostering physical and mental growth. Our program will emphasize the development of positive self-image and the fulfillment of each child’s potential.